
October 1, 2024

The New Era of “No Tax” Policies: Selective Tax Exemptions and Their Side Effects

Former President and current candidate Donald Trump introduced a new policy of his in a recent Arizona rally: No more income tax on overtime pay. This follows both Trump and Vice President Harris’ proposal for a no income tax on tips policy, as well.

Below we will look at the two recent proposals and what they could mean for both taxpayers and businesses.

No Tax on Tips

The no tax on tips policy looks to lighten the tax burden on service industry workers. According to the Fair Labor and Standards Act, anyone who “customarily and regularly” receives $30 or more in tips per month is considered a tipped worker. The mechanism to exempt tip income could possibly come through three different mechanisms.

One option would be to categorize tips as gifts. Service employees are often paid wages lower than the minimum wage (as low as $2.31 per hour), with employers required to “top-up” an employee to the federal minimum wage of $7.25 if tips don’t at least make up the difference themselves. As a result, considering tips as gifts may not legally work.

A second option is to treat a specified amount of tips as non-taxable income. Consider a policy, for example, in which up to $25,000 in tips is treated as non-taxable income. Legally, this is straightforward, but it could have various knock-off effects on those it is intended to help. For example, a taxpayer’s gross income could fall so low they no longer qualify for the earned income tax credit and end up being a net negative.

Finally, there is a third option of creating a new deduction; allowing taxpayers to first claim the income and then take a deduction to offset it. The issue here is that given the claimed income level of most tipped workers, an additional deduction may not be one-for-one incrementally beneficial to the standard deduction. In other words, so much of their income is already non-taxable, this wouldn’t make much of a difference.


Depending on how the policy is structured, there are negative side effects that could accompany the policy change. Compliance with reporting tip income is already spotty at best. It’s not uncommon for tipped workers to underreport their tip income, especially for cash tips. The main concern is that employers and employees may try to game the system. There is a real chance that who is tipped changes and people may try to change compensation schemes so that other types of income are then changed to tip income to take advantage of the changes; especially for taxpayers for whom the law was never intended to help.

Non-Taxable Overtime

The second proposal is to exempt overtime wages from income taxation. The idea is that it would help workers who get to keep more of their money; and at the same time helping businesses, since employees would be incentivized to work more hours, thereby negating the need to hire more employees. While on the surface it seems like a policy to help the hardest working, there are potential problems.

Unfair to Regular Wage Earners

There are two possible issues. First, it leaves behind hourly workers who cannot work overtime due to other responsibilities, health or their job’s duties. It also disadvantages those who have to work multiple jobs (because their job doesn’t offer overtime, but they need the money).

Second, it doesn’t consider salaried positions. There are many salaried positions, where workers are exempt from overtime laws – and a large swath of these are not highly paid positions.

Administrative Complications

Employers and the IRS would need to deal with distinguishing between regular wages and overtime earnings. What is considered overtime is not always clear when there are pay concepts such as bonuses, shift differentials, commissions or other alternative payment arrangements. It would also add significant complexity to payroll systems.


While both policies are well intended, the devil is in the details. Implementation would need to be carefully considered; the intended taxpayers might not be the main beneficiaries; and there is room for fraud.
